Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Musical Chairs...?

Currently Listening To: Boondock Saint's Theme

I found this on another Deviant's journal. It turned out really weird... O.o

So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool..

Opening Credits:J-E-N-O-V-A - Nobou Uematsu .... kay.....

Waking Up:War Pigs- Black Sabbath... What the hell....

First Day At SchoolCheatin' On the Church- Graveyard BBQ ...

Making Your New Best Friend:Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve ...

Falling In Love:Sehnsucht- Rammstein .... I'm sure this will end badly... I'll have to ask Chris what the translation of this song is... (We looked it up... it means Longing O.o )

Breaking Up:Devil's Dance Floor- Flogging Molly ...mkay...

Prom:Stone King Golem- Michiru Yamane .... *laughs* What the fuck?!

Graduation:Water of Life- FF Crystal Chronicles.....

Life's Okay:Crazy- Bride of Chucky Soundtrack (remake of Patsy Cline)

Death of a Close Friend:Violet- Hole :LMAO: My friends don't suck on shotgun barrels, Courtney Love!

Mental Breakdown:I Can't Remember- Alice in Chains ... Appropriate!

Driving:Ace of Spades- Motorhead ... Also somewhat appropriate!

Flashback:War Ensemble- Slayer ... Partially Appropriate!

Getting Back Together:Stop- Jane's Addiction .... *laughs* Kind of scary, I did have an on again, off again relationship once...

Birth of Child:Roll The Bones- Rush ... "Why are we here?/Because we're here, roll the bones!/Why does it happen?/Because it happens, roll the bones". Apparently my kid will be a product of Chris and I having a threesome with Lady Luck (This is a great song, I suggest listening to it! Just ignore the stupid hip-hop thingie at the end...)

Wedding SceneMonster's Dance: Rondo- FF Crystal Chronicles

Car Accident:Psychobilly Freakout- The Reverend Horton Heat .... I suppose I'll be run over by some sort of drunken hillbilly schizo....

Final Battle:Hey You- Pink Floyd... my final battle's gonna suck...

Death Scene:Test for Echo- Rush ... apparently my death will be a nationally televised court circus...

Funeral Song:Endless Sky - FF Crystal Chronicles... pretty appropriate. I suggest you look up the lyrics to the song.

End Credits:Boondock Saint's Theme .... *LAUGHS* Appropriate!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow. It's a little creepy how some of those match up.

6:15 AM  
Blogger Ryven said...

These things always end up a bit creepy like that.

You should have seen Chris'. Apparently his movie is going to be very angry, all of his random songs were all metal songs.

3:52 PM  

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