Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Currently Listening To: Cold As Ice - Scooter

So I've been thinking, and I've made the decision to move my journal over to Livejournal. I use that account more anyway. (mostly for deviantartsnarking, ^^; ) So I'll still be blogging, but just on livejournal.

This is the link:

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Moving and stuff ^_^

Currently Listening To: Under Pressure - Queen

So yesterday Tim told us he's moving out in May. Surprised the hell outta me, but in a good way.

Chris and I had been talking about moving, but were unsure of when it was going to happen because we owe Tim a fair chunk of cash. He didn't think it was right to move out before we had paid him off. But now Tim is moving out, so we can get a place of our own

We've already got a few options, the foremost being the apartment complex that Savvy and David live at, and one or two others in case that plan falls through. I just hope we can barter to get a ground floor apartment, because my dog Joxer is old, and is getting to the point where three flights of stairs would hurt him. The rent there is fairly cheap. It's about $100 more than what we're paying right now, but if we were to move into an apartment, we wouldn't have to worry about paying things like water, sewer and garbage. Our electricity bill would be nearly quartered. Chris makes roughly $600 a paycheck, which comes out to about $1,200 a month. We can live off of that. Not well, mind you, but living is the important part.

We're looking at places in the valley, which is closer to where Chris is working, so driving to work wouldn't he a half hour excursion every morning. Not to mention that there are probably more job opportunities for me out in the valley, just in the vicinity where we plan on living.

I was thinking about it, and maybe I'll have an easier time handling a job when I have a place to come how to that's not populated with other people? I'll have a place to crawl into and hide. Speaking of which, Tim recommended Spokane Mental Health to me, to go get my head checked out. The first visit is free, so that's promising. If I could get counseling, and get something that documents my being terrified of strangers, I think getting a job would be a lot easier. I'd have something documentable, employers wouldn't have to just take my word that there's something wrong with me. I think it'd give me a boost of confidence, and not only that, but I'd be getting over what's wrong with me.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Kirai Sneaky Desu!

Currently Listening To: Your Dream - DJ Liquid Blue

Sneaky shit there, Batman. These people fully expect to be shot down. But if they are shot down, that means that the ruling that says it's unconsitutional for gays to be married on the basis of reproduction is bullshit. Read for yourselves. You'll get a good laugh out of it.

Take that, conservative windbags.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Alarmist Paranoid BULLSHIT.

Currently Listening To: Transylvanian Horses - Alan Sylvestri, Van Helsing Soundtrack

I normally don't agree with Mike on many things, but this is one of the things that I do.

This entire ATHF fiasco is complete and utter bullshit. The Boston City Police should just admit they made a fucking mistake. 9 other cities didn't make this mistake. Why? Because they KNEW IT WAS HARMLESS. THEY DID RESEARCH. THEY DIDN'T JUST PUSH THE PANIC BUTTON AND SCRAMBLE THE BOMB SQUAD. Fucking A.

I'm also sick of this "Post 9/11 World" bullshit people throw around to justify their rampant paranoia. Bad shit happened. It was horrible. But we adjust and go about our lives, we don't jump at our own fucking shadows and live our lives in a constant state of fear.

I mean, Jesus H., this is what those terrorist assholes want. They want to instill fear. And we're showing them that they accomplished just that. If we're supposed to be rising above this bullshit, shouldn't we be actually attempting that, instead of playing to the ideas of some paranoid twits who'd rather live their lives barred up in their own houses?

I'm actually ashamed to be associated in any way with this sort of fucking Red Scare bullshit paranoia.

Being alert is one thing. Being alarmist is another.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Gaming and stuff

Currently listening to: Get To The Gone - Static X

We got started a bit late last night, but it worked out. Brownlee and Lake were surprisingly well-behaved, I expected them to start derailing things, but it wasn't anything too horrible. I was probably just overly-anxious.

Tim was a bit irritating, though. He hadn't shown me his character, or what he had taken feats and spells-wise, before the game started, so everything he was using was a surprise. Especially when he started using spells out of the Ultimate Arcane Spellbook, which is a splat-book, and usually taken with a grain of salt. For a good reason. One of his 1st level spells was Power Word Push, which sounds alright, until you get to the part where the person pushed is subjected to FALL DAMAGE.

That's right. FALL. DAMAGE. As a 1st LEVEL SPELL.

Or the first level spell which gave him an auto-success on any Intelligence based roll with a DC under 30. THIRTY. At 5th LEVEL.


So I told him he can't use any spells from that book until he runs them by me first. He gets all pissy.

"You used spells from that book in my game, though!" Whinge, whinge.

"Yeah," I tell him. "But not without running them by you first. Ever. You know that. This book is a splat-book for good reason. Everything in this book should be run by the DM. There's some ridiculous shit in this thing."

So he brought up the "but you used this book" bullshit a few more times last night, even though I summarily shut down that logic during the first argument. But he kept using that same argument. Jesus Christ.

That, and he takes details I put into the dungeon far too seriously or literally. In the first room between two doors, I threw in some description about how there's some poor carvings of some sort of deities in the marble. One looks like it might be some sort of strength god, the other one is a crudely carved holy symbol of Olidimarra. I figure "Think of some neutral or evil gods and put some carvings and icons in the back for show."

Nobody pays them much mind except Tim. Who, after they go down one corridor and then come back, start studying them more. After a few answers of "They're just carvings and icons. No, they don't detect as magic. They're just magically treated marble," he starts asking about their placement in respect to the two doors. I'm pretty confused, as it's late and the fucking icons don't mean anything. I say "Um, Olidimarra's on the left I guess. They don't really mean anything."

Tim slams his head down on the table.

I'm all "What?!"

He goes on to explain that he thinks there's some significance to their placement to the doors, one being traps and the other being baddies.

I told him for, like, the third time. "No. They don't mean anything. I put them there at the last minute for detail."

Chris is like "You're taking details a bit to literally, dude. She said it's just story-detail."

And gaming with Chad wasn't horrible either, actually. He was just happy to be there, which I'm glad for ^^

So no friction with those I'd expect friction with, but friction with my roomate again. Ugh.