Sunday, December 31, 2006

Oh wow...

Currently Listening To: Less Talk More Rokk- Freezepop

He keeps talking about how Star Wars is fiction, yet he's taking it this seriously. Some people are simply clueless. I think I found a lower low than the hardcore fatbeard StarWars fanatics themselves.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

So, so true...

Currently Listening To: Sehnsucht - Rammstein

I feel like this sometimes. Too many women measure their womanhood by a family headcount. I'm glad I'm not pregnant, and I'm glad we're waiting a long, long while. Kids are over-rated.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Circumcision cuts the chance of AIDS by half?

Currently Listening To: Endless Sky- FF Crystal Chronicles

So apparently being circumcised can cut your chances of catching AIDS by half! It's always been said that being circumsized raises your chances of catching STDs, but perhaps that mentality has changed?