Alarmist Paranoid BULLSHIT.
Currently Listening To: Transylvanian Horses - Alan Sylvestri, Van Helsing Soundtrack
I normally don't agree with Mike on many things, but this is one of the things that I do.
This entire ATHF fiasco is complete and utter bullshit. The Boston City Police should just admit they made a fucking mistake. 9 other cities didn't make this mistake. Why? Because they KNEW IT WAS HARMLESS. THEY DID RESEARCH. THEY DIDN'T JUST PUSH THE PANIC BUTTON AND SCRAMBLE THE BOMB SQUAD. Fucking A.
I'm also sick of this "Post 9/11 World" bullshit people throw around to justify their rampant paranoia. Bad shit happened. It was horrible. But we adjust and go about our lives, we don't jump at our own fucking shadows and live our lives in a constant state of fear.
I mean, Jesus H., this is what those terrorist assholes want. They want to instill fear. And we're showing them that they accomplished just that. If we're supposed to be rising above this bullshit, shouldn't we be actually attempting that, instead of playing to the ideas of some paranoid twits who'd rather live their lives barred up in their own houses?
I'm actually ashamed to be associated in any way with this sort of fucking Red Scare bullshit paranoia.
Being alert is one thing. Being alarmist is another.
I normally don't agree with Mike on many things, but this is one of the things that I do.
This entire ATHF fiasco is complete and utter bullshit. The Boston City Police should just admit they made a fucking mistake. 9 other cities didn't make this mistake. Why? Because they KNEW IT WAS HARMLESS. THEY DID RESEARCH. THEY DIDN'T JUST PUSH THE PANIC BUTTON AND SCRAMBLE THE BOMB SQUAD. Fucking A.
I'm also sick of this "Post 9/11 World" bullshit people throw around to justify their rampant paranoia. Bad shit happened. It was horrible. But we adjust and go about our lives, we don't jump at our own fucking shadows and live our lives in a constant state of fear.
I mean, Jesus H., this is what those terrorist assholes want. They want to instill fear. And we're showing them that they accomplished just that. If we're supposed to be rising above this bullshit, shouldn't we be actually attempting that, instead of playing to the ideas of some paranoid twits who'd rather live their lives barred up in their own houses?
I'm actually ashamed to be associated in any way with this sort of fucking Red Scare bullshit paranoia.
Being alert is one thing. Being alarmist is another.
Oh no! It's a light bright!! Phhhhhhhhhhhhhh...such crap. The damn things were there for three weeks before anyone made a fuss about them anyway. Also, bombs don't flip the bird at you before they blow you up when they're made by terrorists. You know why of course, but some people need it explained to them. It's because terrorists don't care how insulted you are, they just want you dead or terrified!!
People are fucking idiots. It's sad that most of this country is jumping at it's own shadow nearly 6 years after 9/11.
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