Monday, October 09, 2006

G'bye, money! See you never again!

Currently Listening To: Fight Fire with Fire-Metallica

So for our wedding, we got a pretty big chunk of money. And it was gone before we knew it. Starting out on your own sucks ass. Money's very tight at the moment. Chris had an umbilecal hernia, and had to miss some days at work. He's still trying to figure out if he gets worker's comp from it, because he was well within the restrictions of things to lift. So anyway, the meager money he was making is now slowed to a tiny trickle.

We sat down the other night and figured out what we could do to cut expenses until we came into more money, and we figured out that the only thing we could really cut out is cable. We need internet for job applications, we obviously need electicity and water. We'll buy more food that we can prepare and eat off of for a few days at a time, like stew and soup. I'm going out to look for a job on Tuesday, and so is Chris. He decided that until he can get seniority at his job, he needs a second part time job to keep up. We have a lot of bills to pay, and we really need to get cracking on them.

Because of this, though, it means we have to go and give a kitty to the Humane Society. I found this cute cat about a week before Chris and I got married. He's gray and white with yellow eyes, and he's the sweetest cat I've ever met. I seriously think it's the first cat I've actually grown to love. Anyway, I found him while I was out on a walk a few weeks ago. He crossed the street toward me as I was walking home, and I bent down to pet him. When I did so, he mewed and jumped up on my shoulder, and made himself comfy. Since then, he's been living on our front porch, and I've been feeding him, letting him in the house now and again, treating him for fleas, all of that happy horse-shit. But he looks as though he's gotten in a fight, because he has this bloody gash on the side of hise face. We can't afford to take him to the vet and have the vet treat him, so we have to give him to the Human Society so they can take care of him, and hope that he isn't euthanised. But he's a sweet kitty, so he should get adopted out easily. I'm going to see if we can somehow ensure that he gets put into the adoption program they have going with Petsmart tomorrow when we take him in.

So yeah. Being broke sucks. But it'll get better.


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