Monday, August 07, 2006

Finally Driving Again! And Other Things.

Currently Listening To: Green Eyed Lady- Sugarloaf

YAY! I got my permit about 2 weeks ago, and I've been driving nearly nonstop since then. My room mate and I have a deal going. When he has logistics runs that take him out of town, I go with him, and drive back into Spokane for him, and we split the paycheck. I've been on about 3 or 4 thus far, and it's been pretty cool. I'm driving back from Missoula, Montana tomorrow, so that'll be a fun 4 hour drive. It's been awesome, it's like hopping on a bike, I just needed some practice to remember ^_^

I got the alterations on my wedding dress today. The dress was tight when I tried it on, so they let out some of the seams, and then took the train and made a convertible bustle out of it, which looks beautiful. It gives the dress a very old-fashioned look to it, and it'll make the dance Chris and I have to do a lot easier.

There's been an influx of threads about child molestation on the dA forums. It's kinda disturbing, and it's bothered me for the last few days. I got really upset the other day, because of the comments people were throwing at me. It bothers me that there are so many people willing to defend paedophiles, who are basically willing to pat them on the head and tell them it's okay. They say that "children are sexual", and that "paedophilia is a perfectly natural fetish." Which is complete and utter bullshit.

These people just don't understand that this is a cause that really shouldn't be championed. It's one of those fetishes that hurt other people. My personal belief is that a fetish is alright, you know, whatever floats your boat. As long as the persons involved are consenting and fine with it, and it doesn't hurt anyone, then it's really none of my business. But fetishes like paedophilia, bestiality, snuff, auto-erotic-asphyxiation, and others like it, are really dangerous, and should be taken care of. Everyone involved isn't having fun, didn't consent or can't consent, and hurts people. There's a line to be drawn, folks. I personally don't have any idea of how to help these people outside of therapy, seeing as I'm not a doctor, but there's gotta be a doctor out there that's got an idea or two.

It really bugs me when they try and compare paedophilia to homosexuality too. They try and compare the "oppression" that we're doling out to paedophiles to the oppression that's handed out to homosexuals.

Um, no. Here's why: With homosexuals, they're attracted to people of the same gender. Their partners are consensual, they don't hurt anyone, and the only reason it's considered "wrong" is because the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim holy books says it's wrong. Paedophilia is wrong because they want to have sex with children, who aren't sexually developed, and really have no idea what they're consenting to, or how it will mess them up in the future.

That's a pretty big fundamental difference.

But one of the people I was arguing with apologized. The argument between her and I got pretty heated, 'cause we're both stubborn. I don't think child porn of any kind should be allowed for paedos to wank to, digital, drawn or otherwise, and this person believes that if it's drawn porn, then no one's getting hurt.

Anyway, we argued, said some pretty nasty things. I explained with a better leveled head in another thread, and she read it and apologized, and I apologized, and we agreed to disagree. I'm glad that turned out alright in the end. I hate arguing, but there are some things that I morally have to object to.

I fucking hate being called closed minded because I'm rallying against something that's hurt me and others. But I guess it's popular now to play the Devil's Advocate.

A word to the wise, people: Just because you can argue for something, doesn't mean you should. If it's something that has good roots in why it's bad, then don't champion it. You make yourself look like an idiot and an asshole.


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