Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Survey 'n' Stuff

Currently Listening To: Heart Full of Black- Burning Brides

("I made a promise by the side of the road.... I'm gonna bury this goddamn halo..." I love this song.)

-Are you happy with your given name?

Pretty much. I didn't like it when I was younger, but I grew to like it.

-What is your guaranteed weeping movie?

What Dreams May Come

-What is the one thing you like to do alone?

Read. It's hard to read when there are other people in the room. Generally, they try and talk to you.

-What's a major fear of yours?

Strangers, crowds, spiders and small spaces

-Are you a pyromaniac?

Kinda, but only with lighters and candles.

-Do you know anyone famous?

Bruce Campbell wished Chris and me a happy marriage via video, but that's the closest I've come to knowing a celebrity.

-Describe your bed

It's a waterbed, queen size. Light blue sheets with yellow moons, suns and stars on it. The bedspread is dark blue with gold moons, suns and stars on it. There's a canopy that hangs from the cieling over the head of our bed, which is also blue with moons and stars on it.

-What type of character would you play in a movie?

The geek or the badass chick.

-What do you carry with you at all times?

Lip Balm, pocket knife, wallet, hair tie, engagement ring, wedding ring. If we're talking about my backpack, though.... *clears throat* Drawing pad, writing pad, metal clipboard, a pocket full of pens and pencils, bandaids, Midol, antacids, Ibuprophen, Excedrine Migraine, a spoon and fork, brush, tampons, batteries, saftey pins, bag full of gaming dice and other random junk that happens to appear in my backpack.

-How do you eat an apple?

I take a bite out of the side, in the middle, and work my way around. Then I work my way up toward the stem, then down toward the little crinkly bits.

-Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?

Generally blend in. I don't like strangers coming up to me and talking to me.

-What kind of first impression do you think you give people?

Quiet but opinionated. Probably bitchy to those who get on my bad side.

-Favorite communication method?


-What is your hidden talent?

I can make boxed dinners tolerable by adding my own things to it.

-Do you own a Bible?


-Do you have a problem changing clothes in front of friends?

Depends on the friends. Most of my friends are dudes.

-What should you be doing instead of this?

Nothing really. I can't really look for a job at 2:30 in the morning.

-Who was the last person who called you?

My mom, to see where my brother was at.

-Are you ready?

To rock?

-What is the last gift you gave someone?

I don't remember. I think it might have been the a birthday present. I don't have a lot of money to give gifts.

-Does everything happen for a reason?

Mostly. Karma works in wierd ways.

-What is your biggest headache lately?

Lack of funds. And our DAMNED CAR.

-What color is your bedroom?

The walls are white, and the carpet is beige. But I have lots of pictures and posters up to try and cover up the boring.

-Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?

Contrary to popular opinion, yes.

-Have you ever pierced your own body part or that of someone else?

God no.

-What kind of watch do you wear?

A white one with a FREAKY bright LCD light in it. Seriously. It puts some headlights to shame. It's really cool.

-What's one car you will never buy? (why?)

A Hummer of any brand, style or make. They're fucking ridiculous and wasteful. Nobody needs anything that big. If you're driving a Hummer, you'd better have a fucking anti-aircraft gun on the back of that bastard, to justify the gas you're wasting.

-Do you cry in front of your friends?

I try not to, but in the last few years, I have a lot more than I'd like.

-Would you die to save the life of someone you dearly love?

I'd like to think I would. But one rarely knows what one would do in those situations until it actually happens.

-Do you have any married friends?


-Do you like thunderstorms?

Does a bear shit in the Pope's hat? (That's a yes.)

-What was your first job?

Working a jewelry kiosk at the mall. Shittiest. Job. Ever.

-What was the last thing you typed before this survey?

Something on the devART forums, methinks.

-Favorite word lately?


-What's the strangest thing that's happened to you in the past week?

I went to Starbucks to apply, and they were having a full blown job fair.

-You have a crush, don't you?

Besides my husband...? -_- Yes, but just a fangirly one....


Jirad, from the book I'm writing. He's my husband's character. Sexy gunslinger. Yum.

-What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?

Playing with whatever is at my fingertips. This includes pens, hems of clothing, ect.

-Do you talk a lot?

Not really. I'm the quiet one in most conversations.

-What do you typically order at a bar?

Rum and Coke, or a Midori Sour. If they have a blender, I order a Pina Colada.

-Name one trait you hate in a person

Elitism. Arrogance. Generally anything that makes them think they're better than other people, and makes them act upon it.

-Favorite writing utensil?

Mechanical pencils, or a fine tipped gel pen.

-What's one thing you're a loser at?

Dancing. I'm too white to dance.

-When's the last time you made someone cry?

My husband, but that was a while ago. We had gotten into a fight about -shit, I can't even remember what it was.

-Do you like the rain?

Yeah. It's nice to walk in, to listen to, to smell and watch.

-Who was the last person you talked to in person?

My roommate Tim.

-What are your plans for the weekend?

Chris is running his D&D game on Saturday. Maybe I'll write something on Sunday.

-How much money would it take for you to give up the internet for a year?

2 million dollars. Not being on the internet means not applying for jobs.

-Where's your ideal marriage location?

In a wooded park, with lots of trees and rock formations. Ideally, I'd like to be married (again ^^) in Cliff Park. But we settled for my grandmother's house.

-What do you cook the best?

Chicken, sauteed mushrooms...

-Kind of books do you like to read?

Whatever grabs my fancy, and whatever isn't foisted in my face, with people screaming "YOU HAVE TO READ THIS LOLZ!!"

-If you win the lottery, what would you like to do?

It would really depend on how much we got. If we got something in the 10 million area, that means we'd get about 4 million after taxes. But we'd buy a car and a house, pay off our wedding rings and pay Tim back. We'd give our parents a chunk of money, and give our friends a small amount, ideally. Then we'd put most of what remains in a high-yielding savings account, and live off of the interest.

-If you don't like a person, how do you show it?

I try and ignore them.

-What are you listening to?

I was listening to "Heart Full of Black" but my playlist has moved on to "Heut Ist Mein Tag" by Blumchen

-What was the last thing you laughed at?

The thread in the Complaints forum about using "retarded" as an insult. Funny shit.

-What do you wish you were doing right now?

Snuggling with my husband and watching a movie. But he's at work. *sigh*

-What musical instrument do you wish you could play?

The trombone. I've always wanted to play the trombone. I wanted to play the trombone when I first joined band, but my mother wouldn't let me, because she said "it was too loud." Grr.

-What's the funniest experience you ever had at your job?

I was sweeping theatres, singing along with the music at the end of the credits, and my manager snuck up behind me and scared the BeJeezes out of me. I screamed, and nearly took his head off with my broom. I've never seen a guy that pale turn that red with laughter.

-If you could speak any language, which language would you speak?

Latin would be cool. We didn't have a latin class in highschool.


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