Wedding Pictures!
Currently Listening To: Hazy Shade of Winter- Simon and GarfunklePICTURES! These are pictures my dad took. Our photographer hasn't gotten the pictures we paid for developed yet. ^_^
I painted this topper myself. It took about 1-2 weeks with model paint ^^
This cake was supposed to have calla lillies on it, but the bakery spaced them. I think it turned out nice anyway ^^
From Left to Right: Cassie, Carly, Laura, Ashlynn, Billie Jo (my sister), Me, Chris, Chad (Chris' Brother), David, Lee (My brother), Tim (my roommate), and Rob.
Me signing the marriage certificate. That's what my ring looks like ^_^
This is what Chris' ring looks like ^^
More later!
Currently Listening To: Canon in D- PachelbelTwo more days till I'm married. I'm so damn nervous. And tired. I am SO fucking done with decision-making for a while *L* I feel like I've planned this mostly by myself. I was hoping I'd get a break once in a while, but eh, shit happens. Not really much to write. I've gotten most of the things done and paid for. Now, I wait. And sleep. Sleeping is good. Yesh. And Chris finally got his vows written, yay!
Speaking of Tool....
Currently Listening To: Schism- ToolI thought of a cool analogy the other day while I was in the shower in regards to religion and pushing it on people. Imagine yourself fixing something. It doesn't matter what it is you're fixing, but imagine you're fixing something. And you've found the right tool for the job. Say it's a monkey-wrench. You love your monkey-wrench, it seems to fix everything. It's the best all purpose tool ever. Then someone else comes along, looking over your shoulder. "Hey," they say, somewhat interested in what you're doing. "You know, a screwdriver would work better for that.""Naw," You say. "I like my monkey-wrench better. I'm quite comfortable with it.""But clearly a screwdriver is a better choice.""No, my monkey-wrench is working just fine.""You're clearly mistaken, because a screwdriver is the best choice. Have you heard the word of the Screwdriver?"Hehe, the last part was just to be funny, but the lesson is still the same. Someone bugging me about their religion feels like that, at least to me. I've got something that works just fine, and people are poking me in the back of the head, saying "My way is better, my way is superior, you're stupid and wrong for not believe the same way I believe."I respect other religions, I really do. IF they respect me. And others, really. I'm usually ready to get beligerant all over their pious asses if they decide that their faith means they can trample over someone else's rights.
I Really Have To Get Off Of Chris' Sleep Schedule...
Currently Listening To: 46 and 2- ToolI noticed something the other day. Tool's music is becoming more and more ambient. I was driving to the valley the other day, and it was Double-Shot-Thursday. Two Tool songs played on the radio, and I didn't even notice that one song had ended and the other had started. They sounded that much alike. I mean, the music is still good, but I'm not sure if I like it better than the first two albums. Meh. Less than two weeks until my wedding. Butterflies in my tummy are multiplying. I've gotten the tossing bouquet made, all the bouteniers made, the guestbook decorated, the tossing garter decorated, my regular garter decorated, and a bridesmaid's bouquet put together. I need to go and get the rest of the silk flowers to finish the rest of the floral things, but most of the detail work is done. Mom actually brought up a good point the other day. I was talking about how I wanted there to be some form of booze at the reception, because, well, booze is nice. Mom says "You've already paid for enough of this out of your own pocket. If people want booze, tell them to bring their own, and be prepared to share. Booze is very expensive."For once, she's right. If people want booze, they can bring their own. We're gonna be broke as it is. The wedding is shaping up to be decidedly less piratey than I had planned it. A themed wedding was definitely going to be more expensive, so it looks like it's going to be more or less mundane. Which, in the long run, really isn't all that important. The important part is that we get married, and we have a good time. Besides, there's always anniversaries ^_~Chris' father called the other day. He was trying to coerce Chris into letting him bring his artificial loin-spawn to the wedding, when we had expressly written on the RSVP cards that we would appreciate it if parents left their small children at home with sitters. They're noisy, distracting, and little kids hate things like weddings. They get bored as hell, and they start getting into trouble. Not to mention Grampa's got this fishpond in the back that he's really picky about. He bellows at his own grandchildren if they start messing with. I don't want anyone else's kid(s) to set Grampa off and possibly fuck up his pond. This normally wouldn't be such a big deal if it weren't for the underlying drama with Chris, his dad and his mom, and this new adopted kid. Now don't get me wrong, it's great that he adopted a kid. It's great that he adopted a baby from China. But generally, you pay attention to the kids you already have. He all but ignored Chris and paid a smidge more attention to Chad after Chris' mom divorced him. And now he's gone and adopted a little girl with "the other woman", and expects everyone to be hunky-dory."Look Chris! It's your artificial younger sister! I just adopted her! I actually felt like being a dad, so instead of getting in contact with my biological sons, I just bought a new one!"Chris' mother is understandably pissed. Chris was uncomfortable at first, but has since gotten over it. It still leaves a bad taste in his mouth, though.The point is, our wedding is not the time for him to parade his artificial loin-spawn to other family members. This is our day. We don't want small children there. He can pick a day where we go to dinner to introduce us to his new girl. But our wedding is not the day to do it, and he should know better. So in a few days, Chris is gonna call him and tell him no again, and to get a babysitter. It's best to avoid this on our special day.