Thursday, January 25, 2007

Gaming and stuff

Currently listening to: Get To The Gone - Static X

We got started a bit late last night, but it worked out. Brownlee and Lake were surprisingly well-behaved, I expected them to start derailing things, but it wasn't anything too horrible. I was probably just overly-anxious.

Tim was a bit irritating, though. He hadn't shown me his character, or what he had taken feats and spells-wise, before the game started, so everything he was using was a surprise. Especially when he started using spells out of the Ultimate Arcane Spellbook, which is a splat-book, and usually taken with a grain of salt. For a good reason. One of his 1st level spells was Power Word Push, which sounds alright, until you get to the part where the person pushed is subjected to FALL DAMAGE.

That's right. FALL. DAMAGE. As a 1st LEVEL SPELL.

Or the first level spell which gave him an auto-success on any Intelligence based roll with a DC under 30. THIRTY. At 5th LEVEL.


So I told him he can't use any spells from that book until he runs them by me first. He gets all pissy.

"You used spells from that book in my game, though!" Whinge, whinge.

"Yeah," I tell him. "But not without running them by you first. Ever. You know that. This book is a splat-book for good reason. Everything in this book should be run by the DM. There's some ridiculous shit in this thing."

So he brought up the "but you used this book" bullshit a few more times last night, even though I summarily shut down that logic during the first argument. But he kept using that same argument. Jesus Christ.

That, and he takes details I put into the dungeon far too seriously or literally. In the first room between two doors, I threw in some description about how there's some poor carvings of some sort of deities in the marble. One looks like it might be some sort of strength god, the other one is a crudely carved holy symbol of Olidimarra. I figure "Think of some neutral or evil gods and put some carvings and icons in the back for show."

Nobody pays them much mind except Tim. Who, after they go down one corridor and then come back, start studying them more. After a few answers of "They're just carvings and icons. No, they don't detect as magic. They're just magically treated marble," he starts asking about their placement in respect to the two doors. I'm pretty confused, as it's late and the fucking icons don't mean anything. I say "Um, Olidimarra's on the left I guess. They don't really mean anything."

Tim slams his head down on the table.

I'm all "What?!"

He goes on to explain that he thinks there's some significance to their placement to the doors, one being traps and the other being baddies.

I told him for, like, the third time. "No. They don't mean anything. I put them there at the last minute for detail."

Chris is like "You're taking details a bit to literally, dude. She said it's just story-detail."

And gaming with Chad wasn't horrible either, actually. He was just happy to be there, which I'm glad for ^^

So no friction with those I'd expect friction with, but friction with my roomate again. Ugh.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Aawe ^.^;

Currently Listening To: Taste the Blood- Devil May Cry 3

My husband did the sweetest thing last night. I was listening to "Duct Tape" by Freezepop when he wandered into our room.

I said "This song reminds me of us a bit." He listened to the song, and I pulled up the lyrics, and he said "Yeah, it does." then left the room.

I went back to what I was doing, and he came rushing back into the room with this goofy smile on his face. I was about to ask what the fuck he was doing, when he slapped something on my chest. It was a heart he had cut out of a piece of duct tape. You see, part of the lyrics say "You duct taped my heart back together." Then he put the piece of tape he cut the heart ouf of on his chest and just gave me this melty smile.

The heart resides on my computer tower now. <3

Friday, January 05, 2007

Why is the tough shit always a surprise?

Curently Listening To: Lover's Waltz- Jay Ungar and Molly Mason

(Heh, ironic, the song Chris and I were supposed to dance to on our wedding, but never got to.)

So here's an update:

I still haven't found a fucking job. It's such a pain in the ass, everywhere I turn my resume in, they just direct me to their website, where my application and ridiculous 33 page Corporate Monkey survey gets filed away with the hundreds of other people that want a job. They tell me not to call, and they tuck my resume in some random crevice behind the customer service counter.

Not very heartening at all. But I've gotta keep trying.

To make matters worse and better at the same time, Chris got a second job. Right away, in fact. Quicker than either of us had expected him to. So now he's working at UPS from 11 pm-3 am, and for Argus Janitorial at the Kaiser Aluminum plant from 6 am to 2 pm. So not only is he working 12 hours a day, and I feel incredibly horrible for the entire thing, but we won't get to see each other at all. especially if I end up getting a job. -_-

On the upside, we'll cut through our debt like nobody's business. He makes $9/hour at UPS, totaling roughly $600 a month, and he makes $8.5/hour at Kaiser, totaling about $1,300 a month, before taxes. So all together, we'll be making nearly $2,000 a month. Which is about what he was making at City Parcel, but without the stupid expenses. And he's going to be quitting UPS here in a few months, after we've at least gotten our wedding rings paid off. On the downside, we'll hardly see each other at all, and I'm still living with Tim. It's going to drive me up a wall being alone with my roomate, and I'm going to be so upset only being with Chris maybe an hour a day, and on about half of the weekend. I'm really dreading this.

-_- Who am I kidding? He'll be making all that money. I've nearly come to believe that I won't be able to find a job. I have nearly no job experience, and I'm too damn afraid of strangers and crowds to work anywhere convinient. I'd like nothing more than to go see a shrink and find out what the fuck is wrong with me, why I get so damn afraid when I'm around new people, and what I can do to make it go away. I feel like I'm putting all of our burden on Chris, and it's really tearing me up inside. I almost feel like I should be punished for it, you know? Like someone should be yelling at me to straighten up. But honestly, that's probably just the little kid in me reacting to a bad situation in a way that I'm familiar.

It seems like no matter how hard I try to improve our situation, I only drive it farther into the ground. Maybe I should just stop trying until I can figure out where I'm fucking up, and how I can fix it. Sometimes I feel really, really damn grateful that Chris married me, because otherwise, I don't know where I'd be, or why he even bothered in the first place. I feel like all I'm doing is continually fucking things up, and making things hard for him. I don't want that at all, I don't even know if that's true, but it's what it feels like to me, more often than I'd like.