Saturday, July 29, 2006

Driving and All That Fun Stuff!

Currently Listening To: Boulevard of Broken Dreams- Greenday

After taking my test twice, I got my permit! Hurray! I haven't had my permit since I was in highschool, and after I've gotten enough practice, I'm gonna try for my license. We figure now's the time to do it, at least if we can't afford insurance, it'll look good when I finally get some if I have X amount of time having my license, even if I'm not driving.

The first time I took my test, I failed by 1 question. The bastard test is random, so I kept getting, get this BICYCLE SAFETY QUESTIONS of all things. Not "What do you do if you encounter a bike in your car" questions. Fucking "How to ride a bike safely" questions. I'm not testing for my bike license. I'm testing for my DRIVER'S LICENSE. That, and they kept asking questions about the current DUI laws. Like how much jail time you get for X offense. Like it fucking matters! First of all, you shouldn't be driving while drinking, you fucktwits, and second of all, I really don't think me knowing the exact amount of jail time I'll be spending really matters.

Grr. I failed with a 70%. BUT.... that's without reading the manual and not driving in, like, 5 years. Booya. So I go home and study a little.

But the second test was more reasonable. Passed it, only missing 2 questions. 95% or something like that. Piece of cake.

So now I'm driving. Hurray! I drove a little on Wednesday, and I drove all the way back from Kennewick tonight. (That's 'round 'bout 150 miles or so.) No sweat. So I'm pretty stoked. It feels good to drive again.

Tim offered to let me drive for him on the way back from his long trips, and he'd pay half. I agreed, 'cause I need the practice, and this is a good way to take chunks out of our debt to him. I told him that unless I say otherwise, don't even bother giving me cash, just subtract that amount from the debt we owe him. This way, we should have him payed back in no time.

We went and bought our wedding rings today, yata! I'm all excited! God, it's only a month and a half until we get married! I'm starting to get butterflies thinking about. All jittery and whatnot.

I really have to start writing my vows. O.O

I'm beginning to think that I may have to phase out my flowergirl, though. Brian moved out from Shawn's house, and I dunno if he's still doped up on painkillers because of his crushed hand. I have to call and figure things out, but I'm pretty sure that the flower girl is a bust. Which doesn't bother me all that much. We can function without one just fine ^__^

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

-Insert Spiffy Title Here, K?-

Currently Listening To: This Is Not- Static-X

Ugh. I'm pretty tired. TIRED OF THE HEAT. IT'S BEEN A-HUNDRED-AND-FUCKING-SEVEN DEGREES FOR THE LAST THREE DAYS. And it's gonna last for the rest of the week. This is fucking Arizona weather, not Washington weather. This is bullshit. Blech. I fucking hate the heat. It makes me nauseous. I can't wait for fall and winter to arrive. Maybe then I won't friggin' marinate in my own sweat. It's fucking gross.

And it makes me grumpy. In case you couldn't tell. -.-

Bleh, I suppose it could be worse. The NorthWest News Channel said that Hanford was predicted to get up to 113 degrees yesterday. Which means you add about 5-8 degrees to that, and you've got the real temperature.

I want rain! Please! Pretty please!

In other news, I helped Carly bug bomb her new place. Apparently the people who had the house before her owned a dog with fleas, so she's trying to get rid of them before she brings her dogs into the new place. I wandered around the yard and went all gung-ho with the Wasp and Yellow Jacket Killer again, as they've been trying to build new nests. I think Carly and Michael will probably end up getting an exterminator.

Tomorrow I'm going to go and get my driver's permit! Yay! I hope I can get a job to pay for my insurance before I can get my license! Otherwise, I dunno what I'm going to do. But at least I'll have something that'll allow me to drive, and I haven't driven in long time. It'll be nice to do so again.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Today Was Rather Eventful

Currently Listening To: Yesterday- Beatles

Petco has yet to unfuck my application, and it appears that the manager at Petco was blowing smoke up my ass. He told me that no experience was necessary, but told Carly that I didn't have experience, and he doesn't even know why I'm applying. So I'll probably end up looking for other jobs elsewhere. The Hallmark store is highering, and so is Blockbuster, but I'm kind of hestitant. I should try and find a job that pays a bit higher than minimum wage if Chris is only working part time. I'm conflicted, and don't really know where to start. So that's going tenatively.

My sister called me this morning, and we made plans to go out next Saturday. I had commented this past Saturday about how I'd like to get a tattoo, but I lack the funds to do so, saving for the wedding, and budgeting our money and all. So she decided that my wedding/bachelorette/birthday/Christmas present was going to be a tattoo that she'll pay for when she saves the money up. I'm excited, but also nervous, because I'm not sure how much it'll actually hurt. But I've gotta find some cool tattoo art. I think I'm gonna get it across the small of my back, and probably of a compass rose.

I accompanied Carly today to help her find a house. She apparently had 5 weeks to move out and find a new place, because her mom found someone who wanted to take the house. Carly commented on how it was probably a good thing that there was such a hard push to get out, so that they'd actually be motivated to find a new place.

And we found her a new place today. It has a huge backyard for her dogs, and the house isn't bad either. It's smaller and more managable than her mom's house, so I think they'll have an easier time keeping that house up. And the backyard is bigger, so her dogs will have a better time running around the entire yard. I'm going with her tomorrow to help her remember how to get to the place, so she can give the landlord first month's rent and the damage deposite. If she gets the deposit to him tomorrow, she won't have to pay any rent for July, which is pretty cool. I'm also going to bring the bug killer tomorrow, because she's got a nasty wasp's nest developing in one of the outside corners of her windows, and she's allergic. I'm not, so I'll nuke the little bastards.

I'm a little more than a bit worried about our wedding rings, and their cost, seeing as Chris' last day with City Parcel is Friday, and we have to buy and start making payments on the rings in August. I am seriously afraid we won't be able to afford it, and I've mentioned it to Chris, but he seems determined to get them. I feel appreciated, but at the same time, I'm really worried that he's making the wrong decision, and won't listen. I told him that I was perfectly okay with getting a much cheaper ring, if it means we'll be able to afford it. It will mean the same thing anyway. But he doesn't want his ring to be more expensive or something. I guess we'll see what happens. >.<;

Friday, July 07, 2006

So that sucked.

Currently Listening To: I Am A Rock- Simon and Garfunkle

So we got back from work yesterday, and were turning our paperwork in at the shop when one of the nicer ladies who works there stops us. She says that basically if I'm going to go out with Chris on route and help him, then I have to wear a uniform.

Apparently, some retarded companies called and complained that "There's a girl with the City Parcel guy! OMG!" Never mind the fact that every place we go into asks "Ah, you got a helper today?" (which I hate. They always say it to me as if I'm fucking 5 >.<; ) To which I reply "Yeah, I'm his assistant, so we can get more stops done during the day." To which they reply "Ah, well, good then. I know I'd appreciate an assistant with what I do."

Which means its the retards from ABC Office Supply. We pick packages up from them daily to be delivered the next day. They're perpetually bitchy, finicky and generally a pain in the ass. We're supposed to pick up the packages NO EARLIER than 3:30 and NO LATER than 4:30. A 1 hour window in our variable schedule. Which we pretty much ignore. And we're NOT SUPPOSED TO BRING THE PACKAGES OUT THROUGH THE FRONT. Except that they regularly lock their gate leading to the back, so we have no choice. Anyway, point is, it's a building full of twats, and they regularly get ignored. And they probably complained about me for no good reason, other than to have something to complain about.


So the nice lady, who's name is Beth, tells me this. I sigh.

"Look," I say. "No offense against you. But if I'm not getting paid, then I'm not wearing a uniform. I'll wear T-shirts if that's what they want, and I'll wear a lanyard with a nametag which says "City Parcel" on it, but I'm not going to dress in a heavy, hot shirt and a heavy, hot hat in 90 degree weather if I'm not getting paid."

She was completely OK with that, and didn't take offense at all. She said she understood. She also asked why Chris wasn't paying me. Chris laughed and told her that, after expenses, he was making less than minimum wage. So he can't pay me. Beth was shocked.

Regardless of all of this, though, I can't go with Chris on route anymore. Which is fine, I suppose. It means I can look harder for a job, and start immediately when said job opens up. I have a really good shot at getting a job at Petco right now that I need to call back on. But it's sad that I can't go to work with Chris anymore and help out. I'll miss that. But shit happens.

Character Survey ^^

Currently Listening To: Lon Lon Ranch- Koji Kondo (Ocarina of Time)

1. What is your character's name? Melanithia Renee D'Hiversioux

2. What kind of character is it (furry, anime, etc) and any particular race? She's usually drawn in.. well... my style? I like anime eyes. She's half elf/half water nymph.

3. What is the first thing your character would think of when he/she first wakes up? "Oh gods, who am I sleeping next to- oh dammit. Jirad's trying to grope me again."

4. Your character's favorite outfit would be? Black pants, pirate boots, a black corset and some sort of dress shirt, her military captain's coat she stole from an Arcadian officer and her captain's hat if she's aboard her ship.

5. When your character looks into a mirror, what's the first thing they would notice? Her eyes, which are bright green, nearly luminescent, and the bright white streak of hair on the left side of her bangs.

6. Does your character have the same tastes in food as you? Pretty much, 'cept she comes from a richer household than me, so she would have a larger variety of likes than I do.

7. In what ways is your character similar to you? We both feel acutely responsible for our actions, even though sometimes we don't need to.

8. How is he/she different? She's thinner, quieter, and is OK with having anonymous sex.

9. If your character could speak, would they have the same voice as you? Her voice would be smoother than mine, and a bit higher pitched. With a peculiar, but elegant mixture of a French accent and an English accent.

10. If you were to suddenly become your character, what do you think would be the first thing you would do as them? Go and find some guy bein' mean to his girl, and then freeze his crotch over. I've always imagined that's more than a bit satisfying.

11. Is there something about your character that you don't like how others think of them? That she's super-kinky in bed. Naw. She was a slave of the sexual variety for a few years. She's not going to like some kinds of sex-sports, you pervs.

12. What advantages does your character have over you? Melanie speaks better than I ever will. And well, she is a sorcerer with control over water. She has the skills to captain a ship by herself.

13. What disadvantages? She's got a bit of a martyr complex, IE she tries to over-compensate for the wrongs she's done. Her conscience weighs very heavily on her mind.

14. Do you have any secrets relating to your character that only you know? Possibly.

15. Do you have any secret drawings only you know about? Nopers.

16. Do you have any plans for your character or are you working on something big relating to him/her? I'm currently writing a novel with her and my fiance's character Jirad in it. Sort of a swashbuckler fantasy geared for adults.

17. What misconception(s), if any, do people have about your character? That she's "an ice queen", when the opposite is true. She has powers over ice and water, but she's very warm, receptive and nurturing to those who she loves, or feels sorry for.

18. If you could have just ONE characteristic from your character, what would it be? Her ability to talk without stuttering, like I do.

19. Have you made any characters that go along with yours, based on real-life people, that have the same relationship with your character as you with the real-life person? I elaborated on Jirad, which is my fiance's character. He's my character's love interest, just like I'm engaged to my real life fiance.

20. Have you written any stories about your character? See above. Unfortunately, she started out as a Mary Sue, but I've broken free of that since then, and ported her over to some fiction and D&D games of my own design, plot and characters.

21. How has your character changed since his/her first creation? She never used to have a white streak down the side of her bangs. She was a Mary Sue, and she used to be very childish, very promiscuous and very, very kinky. Since then I've given her maturity, porter her over from fanfics, narrowed her sexuality a bit so that it doesn't define her, given her a deeper past, and peppered her with personality quirks.

22. Give us a one-liner from him/her. "If you like your hands, then you'll do very well to keep them away from my nethers, sir, because you may not see them again if you touch me."

23. What’s something people would be surprised to learn about your character? She was a slaver in her past.

24. If you met your character in real life, what would you do with him or her? Sit down, have some tea, have a nice discussion, and I'd take her on a tour of the modern world. ^^

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

4th of July

Currently Listening To: JENOVA- Nobuo Uematsu

So yesterday was evenful, a bit stressfull, but ultimately enjoyable. A bit more planning could have gone into yesterday, but we'll know that for next year.

Carly and Michael, Tim, Chris, Lee and I all decide to pack up and head out to a lake to spend the day swimming. Carly suggests Lake Coeur D'Alene, because it has a really great fireworks show. There's a bit of discussion, but we ultimately decide to try and go for it, and Chris is all up for it, because he's got some fireworks that he would like to set off, because fireworks are illegal here in Spokane County.

After getting my dog Joxer into the car, and after a quick stop to Safeway, we head out. The heat was stifling yesterday, at 2:30 it was 99 degrees farenheit, and Carly and Michael's car have no air conditioning. So it's 4-60 AC all the way there.

Downtown Coeur D'Alene is a fucking ZOO. There was literally no parking for at least a good 10 blocks from the beach. You could see the beach was completely full of people, with more people streaming into it. Carly is still adamant at this point, but eventually, we decide to drive the road that goes around the lake, and we'll find a less crowded beach. I have a thing with crowds, not to mention that there was no free parking, we had no change left, no room on the beach, no place to put our stuff where it wouldn't get stepped on or stolen, and someone would have to stay out of the water and brave the crowds and other people's dogs as they kept Joxer on a leash, because Animal Control was actively patrolling the area.

So on we go, driving. And driving. And driving. Aaaaaand driving. Back and forth, turning around, going down random roads. Finally, about 5 pm or so, we get some directions to a public beach. Next time, come hell or high water, no matter WHAT anyone else says, I'm getting a goddamned map. Most of this would have been avoided if we would have stopped in at the gas station in Coeur D'Alene and grabbed a map of the lake from the Park's Service, like I had suggested. "No, we have a GPS." Bah. Maps like that have markers where the beaches are, with all the handy-dandy info, like if there's an outhouse, whether or not dogs need to be leashed, if there's a boatlaunch, ect.

Regardless, we find a place around 5. And oh my god, the water was so warm! It was so, so nice. The bottom was rocky, because it was a public beach, and all the rich assholes have pretty much eaten up all the sandy beaches for themselves. But we just kept our sandals on and continued to swim. After we all get tired of swimming, we all crowd at the end of the docks, and light off most of the fireworks we brought. What better place to light them off than over a lake? No thanks to the rich, drunk kids who kept buzzing the dock and making it rock back and forth, all the while laughing at us. I swear, spoiled rich kids have no common courtesy. Carly and Chris wanted to start skipping Roman Candles across the water at them, but we eventually decided not to waste our fireworks on them. ^_~

Well, it started to get cloudy and dark 'round about 8, so we decided to head back to Coeur D'Alene to catch the fireworks. We drive all the way back to town and park in a dermatologist's parking lot, with a wonderful view over the river, and catch the fireworks show at a distance. It was really spectacular. Especially since during all of this a hellacious thunderstorm was brewing, and the lighting was competing, almost literally, with the fireworks. BOOM! A red one would go off, and then over to our right, a huge bolt of lighting would split the sky. It was amazing, beautiful and fucking awesome.

On the drive home, the sky was lit up by just an insane amount of lighting. A flash to our left, then to our right, then two right in front of us. We could almost see where it was connecting.

After we got home last night, we all ate, and then just died. Chris forgot to set his alarm back to what it was before, and he was sleeping so hard that he was nearly late for work this morning, but luckily he made it.

I think yesterday was one of the best 4th of Julys I've had in a while. ^^

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Currently Listening To: 1979- Smashing Pumpkins

How fast would you die in a cheesy zombie flick?

You're the tough guy who gets the most zombie kills. You make it most of the way, but die heroically by sacrificing yourself and taking out hundreds of zombies at the climax.
Take this quiz!


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You scored as Chaotic Good. A Chaotic Good person is someone who has little intrinsic respect for laws or authority, seeing them as insufficient to sustain what's right. These people work according to their own moral compass which, while good, is not necessarily always aligned with that of society. Despite their chaotic tendancies, these people are good at heart.

Chaotic Good


Neutral Good


True Neutral


Lawful Good


Chaotic Evil


Lawful Neutral


Chaotic Neutral


Neutral Evil


Lawful Evil


What is your Alignment?
created with

You scored as Storm. Storm is the seconday team leader of the X-Men. She has a peaceful personality but must be careful since her emotions control her powers. She loves gardening and is afaid of tight spaces. Powers: Control of the Weather





Jean Grey
















Emma Frost


Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
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You scored as Angel. Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
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You scored as Harry Potter. You can be a little reckless and hot-headed at times, but a more brave and courageous friend would be hard to find.

Harry Potter


Albus Dumbledore


Sirius Black


Remus Lupin


Ginny Weasley


Ron Weasley


Severus Snape


Draco Malfoy


Hermione Granger


Lord Voldemort


Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is...?
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You scored as You are an Angel of Beauty. You are an Angle of Beauty. You seek all those things which are visually appealing as well as those that are beautiful on the inside!

You are an Angel of Beauty


You are an innocent Angel


You are half Fallen/ half Light Angel!


You are an Angel of Pain


Angel of Light


What kind of Angel are you??(PICS)
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You scored as Water. Water is the element that predominates in your life. Water rules the signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.











Which of the Five Elements are you?
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You scored as Njord.





























Which Norse God or Goddess are you most like?
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You scored as Kiss My Ass. You are the kiss my ass bunny. People can say all they want about you and you wouldn't give a damn.

Kiss My Ass


Sloppy and Weird


Cute but Psycho


You Suck and Thats Sad


I Hate You so Bad


Love Sucks


You Smell Like Butt


It's All About Me


What's Your Happy Bunny?
created with

You scored as Gryffindor. You have been sorted into Gryffindor! You're brave, loyal, and perhaps a little short tempered- if someone says or does something you don't like, you'll make sure they know- and everyone else too- regardless of the consequences.









The Hogwarts Sorting Hat!
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You scored as Artemis. You are Artemis - goddess of the hunt









What Greek goddess are you? (Females Only) (PICS)
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