Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Rain rain rain...

Currently Listening To: Strawberry Wine- Dina Carter

It's been raining steadily all day, and I'm am perfectly okay with that. It's so much better than the nasty heat that Spokane is prone to during the summer. That's not to say that I don't wish this summer was warm, but I certainly hope that this summer is dotted with more days like this. And man, have there been a crapload of thunderstorms thus far! It's been awesome.

So yeah. I'm not going to dignify Sparky and Captain Assanine with responses for a while over on their blog. It's beginning to be very clear that they're saying some of the things they are strictly for attention, and I despise attentionwhores. It'll take a bit of willpower, though. The things they say really piss me off, when generally when I'm pissed off, it's my first reaction to be very vocal about it.

Chris' mother decided to take it upon herself, the other day, to tell Chris that we should push our wedding back another year. And then she told Chris' grandmother, who also decided to sit him down and lecture him about it. To which Chris said "No, stop worrying". Especially since the first few months during our planning, all she did was stare at us when we talked to her about it. So she can calm down and help us out, like everyone else is going to.

Honestly, who tells someone to push back their own wedding like that? *sighs*

I've had the urge lately to write. But I've got no decent word program yet. Grrrrrrr. I have an entire part in my novel that I need to rewrite. Also, I've had a strange urge to write fanfic again. I think if I do end up doing that, I might change around the story I was originally writing. Or just write oneshots. Fanfic is fine, as long as it's not riddled with Mary-Sues, stupid-ass "fanpairings" and sex for no reason. *gag* I'm so sick of "OMG SEX VASH AND DRACO WAI! STUPID BREEDERS!" Grow up, fangirls, and get laid, please.

I think I'm gonna make chicken alfredo tonight for dinner. Which means I've gotta go to the store and get some noodles, sauce and all of that. I get to use my new umbrella, hurray!


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