Interesting Thought
Currently Listening To: Nutshell- Alice in Chains
So Chris and I were discussing religion the other day, after another night of pseudo-debating with Sparky the Wonder Zealot online. We were coming out of 7-11 just after getting gas, munching on hotdogs and taking off to go start on the second section we deliver to when I had a thought:
If the Fundamentalist Christian Right had their way, every right and privilage would be stripped from one if one were not Christian. The right to vote, the right to buy and sell, the right to ... well, do just about anything.
Now, take that notion, and apply it to Revelations. The End Times. Where when the AntiChrist appears, "true" Christians would be persecuted, and couldn't buy or sell things unless they had his number on the backs of their hands or on their foreheads.
Sounds familiar? It sounds a lot like what the Fundies want to do.
What if the Fundies were fulfilling their own prophecy? What if they're the evil we're suppose to overcome, according to the Bible? They abuse the Christian faith for their own reasons anyway, and hate everyone who disagrees with them.
If that were the case, all the Christians and good people who have Jesus and his love in their heart -the love that Jesus had intended, not what the Fundies take literally for their own gains- would rise to Heaven, and Jesus would smite the evil ones.
Now, I'm no Christian, but that's a damn interesting hypothesis. I know that if I were Jesus, and I had preached love and understanding in my lifetime, only to look down on the earth and see the hate and violence carried out in my name, I'd be extremely pissed. I'd want to smite a few heads in too.
Anyway, I've been tossing that idea around in my head for a few days. It's interesting, anyway.
So Chris and I were discussing religion the other day, after another night of pseudo-debating with Sparky the Wonder Zealot online. We were coming out of 7-11 just after getting gas, munching on hotdogs and taking off to go start on the second section we deliver to when I had a thought:
If the Fundamentalist Christian Right had their way, every right and privilage would be stripped from one if one were not Christian. The right to vote, the right to buy and sell, the right to ... well, do just about anything.
Now, take that notion, and apply it to Revelations. The End Times. Where when the AntiChrist appears, "true" Christians would be persecuted, and couldn't buy or sell things unless they had his number on the backs of their hands or on their foreheads.
Sounds familiar? It sounds a lot like what the Fundies want to do.
What if the Fundies were fulfilling their own prophecy? What if they're the evil we're suppose to overcome, according to the Bible? They abuse the Christian faith for their own reasons anyway, and hate everyone who disagrees with them.
If that were the case, all the Christians and good people who have Jesus and his love in their heart -the love that Jesus had intended, not what the Fundies take literally for their own gains- would rise to Heaven, and Jesus would smite the evil ones.
Now, I'm no Christian, but that's a damn interesting hypothesis. I know that if I were Jesus, and I had preached love and understanding in my lifetime, only to look down on the earth and see the hate and violence carried out in my name, I'd be extremely pissed. I'd want to smite a few heads in too.
Anyway, I've been tossing that idea around in my head for a few days. It's interesting, anyway.
Wow; that's.... deep. *Can't think of another word for it* I've always wondered just what goes on in a certain someone's *coughNathanielCough* head. It must be a frightening place filled with misguided thoughts.
It has to be frightening. There's a lot of damage caused by abuse going on in his mind. I can only imagine that's where his vehement hatred for... well, just about everything came from.
I didn't know Canadians were having problems with overly-religious nuts in politics as well. I think it's becoming an epidemic *L*
The gay marriage thing is irritated. Here's an entire group of people who want nothing but to have the same rights as everyone else, but who are constantly crapped on by holier-than-thou fundie types who thinks their religion gives them the right to make things difficult for them.
It's incredibly sad how someone's religious obsession can be so blinding to them.
Irritated=irritating. Grrr, typos.
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